Monday, June 10, 2013

Today is the first day that I have not talked to my American Girl in Africa.  It is hard to not hear your voice every day and I do hope that I will here from you on tomorrow. 

I am patiently waiting to hear about the university in Ghana and to see some of the wonderful pictures you have taken. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Power of Patience

Sometimes things don't always go as planned.  We at the airport and we were about 3 to 5 minutes late so..... she missed her flight.  No let me restate that.  They would not check her luggage and would not send her luggage on another flight.  We waited until 2 pm as a stand by, but again she could not get on the flight.  So now we have a seat for the 6:30 pm. to Houston and then arrival in San Diego at 10 pm. 

The joys of travel! 

The Beginning

I am turning a new page in my life!